Learn the basics of Markdown

Learn the basics of Markdown #

Markdown is a common formatting syntax. Markdown files are human-readable plain text files with the extension .md.

Paragraphs #

Start with basic paragraphes. Paragraph blocks are separated by an empty line.

Text styles #

Most used text formatting.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3


Elements #

Most used structural elements.

> ## Blockquote>> Lorem ipsum


Lorem ipsum

- First item    - Sub item- Second item
  • First item
    • Sub item
  • Second item
1. First item    - Sub item2. Second item
  1. First item
    • Sub item
  2. Second item
- [x] Task one    - [x] Sub task- [ ] Task two
  • Task one
    • Sub task
  • Task two

URLs can be absolute paths.

[Another website](https://www.anthrocon.org/)

Internal paths should use Hugo shortcode to test validity, plus simplicity of relative internal file names.

[Internal link]({{< relref "Learn the basics of Markdown" >}})

Images #

Hugo shortcode to use. Image location is relative page bundle.

{{< img src="image.jpg" alt="A descriptive alt text" >}}

Markdown common image.

![A descriptive alt text](image.jpg)

Use the Hugo shortcode instead to render modern picture element. This will generate WebP source sets for best visitor experience.

Horizontal rule #

Draw a horizontal rule with three dashes after an empty line.

Horizontal rule


Horizontal rule

Table #

Tables are drawn out with pipes and dashes. Online generators are available to make this process more elegant.

| foo   | bar  |
| one   | two  |
| three | four |

Code block #

Code blocks are fixed-width, verbatic blocks of computer code. Begin and end code blocks with three grave characters on their own lines. Add an optional language descriptor to the opening line to enable code highlighting.
