Submit edits from VS Code

Submit edits from VS Code #

Required reposity role: Write, Maintain, Admin

After making edits, you can commit and sync changes to the repository.

Commit changes #

Git journals all changes. Before syncing files, you must record your changes as a commit.

  1. From the menu, select ViewSource Control.
  2. In Message, enter a short description of your changes.
    A good message is short and describes why you made a change. “Fixes #123 Counting starts at 0 units” is an example of a good message. “Fixed variable” is a poor message because it doesn’t describe what was done or why.
  3. Click Commit.
  4. When prompted to stage all changes, select Yes.

Sync changes #

You can make multiple commits, each with its own descriptive message. However, commits remain only on your computer until you sync changes to the repository.

  1. From the menu, select ViewSource Control.
  2. Under the respository you’d like to sync, click Sync Changes.
  3. When prompted to pull and push commits, select OK.